UK – Environmental Policy
1.0 – Mandate
1.1 – HIPER Global UK recognises that its activities and operations impact the environment, and it is committed to conserving natural resources, operating in a manner sensitive to the environment and complying with all relevant legislation. In particular, HIPER Global UK is committed to:
1.1.1 – Minimising waste products from all processes.
1.1.2 – Maximising the efficient use of energy and water.
1.1.3 – Reducing the impact of travel/transport.
1.1.4 – Accessing the most technically accurate advice that promotes the current best environmental practices.
1.1.5 – Preventing pollution wherever possible.
1.1.6 – Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, applicable consents and codes of practice to which the company subscribes.
1.1.7 – Continual improvement in environmental performance.
2.0 – Commitments
2.1 – HIPER Global UK will achieve these commitments by:
2.1.1 – Setting and reviewing progress towards environmental objectives/targets and management programmes to ensure continual improvement.
2.1.2 – Providing environmental training for all employees to understand the company’s environmental policies, objectives, and programmes, and their role within them.
2.1.3 – Including environmental considerations in our procurement procedure.
2.1.4 – Ensuring the company understands and complies with the requirements of all environmental legislation, guidelines and codes of practice applicable to the organisation.
2.1.5 – Working with suppliers and contractors to encourage the adoption of environmentally responsible practices.
3.0 – Responsibility
3.1 – Responsibility for HIPER Global UK’s environmental policy lies with the UK CEO.